Christopher Hitchens’ God is Not Great (Answering the Critics #1)

The main idea Hitchens presents throughout God Is Not Great is the question “If God is good, how can his followers do evil things?”  Indeed, Hitchens raises an interesting question here.  We all have examples of people who claim to be religious, who claim to be moral, who claim to believe in a good god, who also end up doing something evil.  So Hitchens raises the question, “If God is great, how can his followers do evil things?”  The implied answer to Hitchens question is the title of his book-god is not great.

Isn’t Hitchens jumping to conclusions here, though?  Might there be any other number of reasons why people who claim to follow a good god do evil things?  Right off the top of our head we might offer the suggestion that not all those who claim to be following God are truly following God. Continue reading

Is the Bible a Trustworthy Source of Truth?

One place that many, many people have found Truth is in the Bible.  But is the Bible a trustworthy source of Truth? 

In order to explore that question, I will be starting two different series of posts.  One series, called “Making Sense of Christianity”, will explore many different subjects and how the Bible addresses or intersects with them.  How does the Bible deal with women?  How does it coincide or come into conflict with archaeology?  How does it line up with historical fact?  Many issues including these will be addressed, and as they are addressed, we will discover what these findings say about the trustworthiness of the Bible.

The second series, called “Answering the Critics”, will examine the writings of some prominent authors who have questioned the historical reliability of the Bible and Christianity–people like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Bart Ehrman.  As we are examining each author, we will discover whether what they are saying is accurate, and who is more trustworthy–the author or the Bible.

I am looking forward to both these series, and if you have any ideas for either of them, or maybe questions about the reliability of the Bible, feel free to leave them in the comments!